Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Good Endings

I think that a successful ending of a movie or a book leaves a great lasting impression on the audience. Because it is the last thing the reader/viewer has to read/see of the whole work, it stays the freshest in their minds and for that reason it is very important for the author/director to get it down perfectly. Some movies with great endings that come to mind are City of God and Django, because they wrap up the movie in a very intense and sound way, where the wrongdoers are brought to justice.
blows up Candie's house
like a boss

I also like endings that completely flip the movie on its head, like Fight Club, and American Psycho for that matter. When it comes to literature, one of my favorite endings was the Great Gatsby's. Although it was sad that Gatsby was gunned down, I'm happy that he died while thinking that Daisy was calling him. Similarly, I always admire Shakespeare's creativity in thinking of the terribly sad and moving ending of Romeo and Juliet. In relation to stories, I think that the ending of A Good Man Is Hard To Find was really great. I love how ironic it was that the cat was the only one to survive. Another great story ending was in the Trespasser. The juxtaposition between the daughter of the family sleeping in the scary house while the trespasser aimlessly floats down the river to the liquor store was very powerful.
In the end, I guess I like two type of endings. In one, all the rising action that was boiling up during the story comes together in an epic ending and all matters are clearly stated, leaving nothing up to the imagination. In the second, I like an ending that completely flips the whole work on its head and makes you reconsider everything you just read/saw.

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