Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Reflection on the Best

Some of the best blogs I saw were not only well thought out and executed, but also aesthetically pleasing. Using different colored fonts, as Bre did, made the blog look more appealing to dive into. Furthermore, the frequent use of images really acted as a way to convey the point. Sometimes I could not really understand what the writer was trying to get across, but after seeing the photograph he/she had in mind, I was able to understand immediately. I really liked how Kelly, as well as others, copied in a YouTube video into their blog. It added a whole new dimension – one which I had yet to consider. Looking at Celik’s blog, I really admire the photos he adds in, because they usually directly relate to his own life, and the captions he puts under them are hysterical. I could relate to many aspects of his humor. I think that the blog posts that I found the strongest were the ones that I could identify with the most. That is to say, although these posts might not entirely mimic my own life, I was able to relate to enough aspects of them to have it make me consider moments in my own life. That, after all, I believe is the most powerful possible reaction to one’s writing – to invoke emotion in his/her audience.

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