Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Character: fiction based on reality

I see a man sitting down waiting for a bus. He is middle aged, I'd say around 55. He's wearing a flannel button down tucked into a pair air of faded jeans and brown boots. Looks like a real farmer. He's kind of just waiting around and not really moving. He's tucked in between two doctor-looking people with their white coats. He really stands out. He looks pretty old-fashioned to be blunt. As he sees the bus approach, he is the last to stand up and get on. 

This man is named Robert Greene. He's a farmer from up in Maine. He's 60 years old and is getting fed up with his life of farming every day. On top of his getting bored of his routine, his wife has unfortunately just passed away. He can no longer bare living in his old farm, as it reminds him of his wife and his old job that he is so fed up with. Shortly after the funeral, he decides to pack up a suitcase of essentials and travels to NYC in search for a new life. He just wants to find happiness again, as he had early on in his marriage.

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