Sunday, November 17, 2013

Open Topic - best possible superpower combos

As this is an open topic and we can chose what we would like to write about, I've decided to discuss the best possible interplay of 2 different superpowers. I realize I'm probably too old to be doing this but to be honest I've always loved superhero movies, and have often considered, if given the choice, which 2 powers I would pick.
     Most people automatically pick flight, but after much thought, I would go with teleportation rather than flight. With teleportation, one could get all the benefits of flight, and much more. Let me explain. If you wanted to get the experience of flying, you could simply teleport way up into the sky and then let yourself free fall down, without having to fear a possible technical failure. Furthermore, with teleportation, you could get yourself past checkpoints and into tight spaces without being seen by anyone.
     For my second superpower, I would chose invisibility.
 I often think about how interesting it would be to act as a fly in a room and watch over everything, unseen by anyone. Being invisible would allow me to do this, as well as so many other things. I would never feel in any real danger, knowing that at any second I could just disappear and/or teleport away. Having these two together would provide for many interesting activities, such as sneaking into literally any place, unnoticed and being able to escape in a sec.

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