Friday, November 1, 2013

End of the story

I really liked the ending of the story - especially the last page.  Leading up to the very end, the story was very action-packed. I think that Adichie did a great job ending on a high note. Although there is a lot of conflict throughout the story, the end ties everything together and hints at what is to come. I really liked how it ends for Kambili in a hopeful manner, because I feel as though she has been oppressed her whole life and deserves a bright future. Thinking back on how tortured her life was and how she even had boiling water poured on her feet by her own father, I was so happy for her. The possibility of a new life in America away from all the hardship and suffering they have faced in Enugu is a very comforting thought for me. I think the last line pretty much sums everything up. “The new rains will come down soon.”
Adichie often uses natural metaphors to hint at larger meanings. And in this case, she is hinting at the new life that Kambili and Mama and Jaja will have.

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