Sunday, November 17, 2013

How College at UMich has Changed Me...

Being at college is automatically going to have several affects on you as a student, and a human in general. Being at the University of Michigan just exaggerates those affects. Having barely any time to do anything but sleep, eat, work, and party has taught me how to manage my time more affectively. I never thought that I would be able to manage all these different aspects to such an extent, but somehow I am still hanging in here.
    Being in a fraternity here in Michigan has taught me a whole new level of brotherhood. I can now easily say that the kids in my pledge class are some of my closest friends, after just months of knowing them. I love meeting kids from all over, and it really reminds me how different my childhood growing up in NYC was. It's great to get a different perspective on everything and this experience has definitely given me many different outlooks of life. I've always been relatively good at getting to know people, but meeting so many genuinely nice people here has just made that so much easier for me and I'm so happy to be at such a big university where I can meet new people every week who will have an impact on my life.

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